Other projects where Waterschap aa en Maas works on:
Water and greenery are essential for the design of public spaces in city centers and neighborhoods, supporting social, retail, and recreational activities. This requires freeing up space by using existing buildings more efficiently and reducing car traffic, which leads to more opportunities for greening. In addition, climate adaptation is necessary, such as greening gardens, parks, and roofs.
Residents involved?
Yes (individual)
Mission Pathways
Representatives of Waterschap aa en Maas are committed to the following mission pathways:
Collaboration and knowledge sharing
Together we increase awareness and engage ambassadors, frontrunners, and exemplary projects aimed at the sustainability of business activities in our cities.
Scaling up sustainable business parks
Sustainability of a business park requires a collective approach. This means cooperation between entrepreneurs (association), property owners, suppliers, advisors, and the government.
Sustainability of public space in the city center
The quality of stay in the public space in the city center is paramount. For this, sustainability and greenery are guiding principles. A green, sustainable, and healthy public space plays an important role in social activities, shopping, and recreation. It is important for, among other things, countering heat stress.
Sustainability of public space in the neighborhoods
We prioritize the quality of public spaces in our neighborhoods. For this, sustainability, water, and greenery are guiding principles. A green, sustainable, and healthy public space plays an important role in meeting and recreation. It is essential for, among other things, combating heat stress and water nuisance.