

Projects of LL040






We will not achieve the goals of the climate mission by just involving citizens in the change. It is important to make the positive side visible and tangible, and to ensure that everyone can participate. The Living Lab 040 therefore has a citizen think tank. Our ambition is to bridge the gap between citizens and professionals, as well as solutions. In the think tank, a group of engaged citizens (from both within and outside Eindhoven) participates, who want to actively think about the challenges in their city of tomorrow. They have a voice here, are involved in innovations, and can even live in the testing ground. We want to activate all knowledge through the citizen think tank to bring the sustainability task closer to the citizens, by organizing various events and small-scale projects within and outside the Living Lab. We can also use this tool to gauge adoption and resistance to innovation.





Residents involved?







Why is it not possible to enjoy a street where you meet neighbors, children play outside, and you are surrounded by greenery even on the 5th floor? With this project, we are developing an alternative to the commonly used apartment building, allowing us to achieve high densities in a qualitative manner. A structure (exo-skeleton) creates a winding path upward, adjacent to plateaus (elevated ground level), on which residences and communal facilities are built. Affordable, inclusive, with nature, temporary and permanent. An initiative by LL040, open to innovative parties to join.




Residents involved?

Yes (individual)






Did you know that even if you exercise enough, play sports, and eat healthily, living in the city can be unhealthy? This is related to the quality of the outdoor air we breathe. Therefore, in the Living LAB 040, we investigate how to create residential neighborhoods with healthy air bubbles by experimenting with outdoor air purification based on available technology. Our ambition is to reduce lung diseases, develop a healthy air design methodology for cities, optimize the technology, generate evidence, and translate insights into physical products and guidelines (product development).




Other projects where LL040 works on:






The implementation of the Mobility Vision requires collaboration with other disciplines and partners in the fields of redesign, public space, behavior influence, regulation and enforcement, monitoring and adjustment, and financing. This necessitates a working method and organization that ensures cohesion and progress over the years to prevent the emergence of "disconnected" projects that do not complement each other. Therefore, the implementation of the vision will utilize a Multi-Year Implementation Program for Mobility Transition (MUM), which will be managed by a fixed internal coordination team. The precise description of the responsibilities of this team will be further developed immediately after the vision is finalized.




Residents involved?

Yes (individual)






We at Stam+ de Koning Bouw would like to reduce and separate waste. However, we often encounter the issue that there is not enough space on the construction site, resulting in a large amount of waste going into the residual waste container. This makes it more difficult to recycle the waste.



Residents involved?







As Enpuls, we would like to get started with the mission path of energy & smart grids. However, we do not yet have a concrete project for this.





Residents involved?







An optimal flow and accessibility of the Brainport region. That is the goal of Brainport Bereikbaar. Facilitating and stimulating mobility solutions that are faster, cleaner, and healthier.



Residents involved?


Mission Pathways

Representatives of LL040 are committed to the following mission pathways:


(De)velopment of new construction chains and application of sustainable building materials in the neighborhoods

In redevelopments and renovations in our neighborhoods, we will ensure that this is carried out in a biobased, circular, and climate-neutral manner.


(Forward) development of new construction chains and application of sustainable building materials

The city centers of Helmond and Eindhoven have a significant urbanization challenge. All new homes that we add will be built in a biobased, circular, and climate-neutral way.


Circular city center and sustainable consumption

In our cities, there are many opportunities for a circular economy. According to the principles of the R-ladder, we will ensure that raw materials, components, and products lose their value as little as possible and that we focus on reusing as much as possible.


Circular neighborhoods and sustainable consumption

There are also many opportunities for a circular economy in our neighborhoods. According to the principles of the R-ladder, we will ensure that raw materials, components, and products lose their value as little as possible and that we focus on as much reuse and sharing concepts as possible.


Energy and smart grids

Business parks are large consumers of energy. Sustainable energy from solar and wind is increasingly being generated. By managing demand in combination with storage and a so-called 'smart grid', this can be better aligned with supply.


Everyone can participate.

Sustainable solutions must be affordable and available to everyone, regardless of one’s place of residence, background, or income.


Network congestion

The demand for and supply of (sustainable) electricity are increasing. All this electricity needs to be transported through the existing cables (the electricity grid). More capacity must be created on the grid as soon as possible, and we will need to make smarter and more optimal use of the grid. This is being addressed at provincial and regional levels, including through the regional taskforce and pMIEK.


Regional raw materials market

To prevent new raw materials from being used in construction and industry, a circular raw materials bank can provide a solution. Here, reusable materials are registered and made available.


Scaling up the new normal in the neighborhoods

Homes need to be quickly made more sustainable so that living costs less water and energy; at the same time, living in well-insulated homes is much more pleasant. To speed things up, we will need to renovate and make existing rental and owned homes more sustainable in a collective manner, relieving the residents of burdens.


Story Livable Neighborhoods

Outline the perspective for livable neighborhoods in 2030-2040-2050.


Story of Vital City Centre

Outline the perspective for a vibrant city center in 2030-2040-2050.


Sustainability of public space in the city center

The quality of stay in the public space in the city center is paramount. For this, sustainability and greenery are guiding principles. A green, sustainable, and healthy public space plays an important role in social activities, shopping, and recreation. It is important for, among other things, countering heat stress.


Sustainability of public space in the neighborhoods

We prioritize the quality of public spaces in our neighborhoods. For this, sustainability, water, and greenery are guiding principles. A green, sustainable, and healthy public space plays an important role in meeting and recreation. It is essential for, among other things, combating heat stress and water nuisance.


Sustainable mobility and logistics

There are various ways to make mobility in the business park more sustainable. Sustainable commuting to and from work offers various benefits and opportunities. It results in climate gains, it is healthier, and it is often cheaper. Working from home, using public transport or cycling to work, carpooling, or using an electric bike.


Towards climate-neutral mobility in the city center

A large part of the CO₂ emissions in the city comes from cars and the transport of goods. It should become easier to choose bicycles, public transport, or shared cars in our (inner) cities. A car-reduced city center contributes to a pleasant living environment and creates more physical space for other functions such as green areas and recreation.


Towards climate-neutral mobility in the neighborhoods

A large part of the CO₂ emissions in the city comes from cars and goods transport. We will make it easier to choose cycling, public transport, or car sharing in our city and neighborhoods. A car-reduced city center contributes to a pleasant living environment and creates more physical space for other functions such as greenery and recreation.

Climate Mission Helmond & Eindhoven

Eindhoven and Helmond are working together to become climate-neutral faster and smarter. So that Eindhoven and Helmond are now and in the future pleasant places to live, work and recreate. We map out which actions are needed to get there and who has what role in that.

For more information: eindhovenduurzaam.nl/klimaatmissie or www.heelhelmondduurzaam.nl

For questions and/or comments you can send an email to: duurzaamheid@eindhoven.nl or energietransitie@helmond.nl

What if we succeed?

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